I believe God presented us two books to learn from and experience God: the Bible and creation. Biomimicry, to me, is the imitation of God’s genius, and it gave me a new way to see God at work through creation. I believe God is the creator of Earth, Earth’s systems, and the systems within humans and non-human creation, all geniusly designed. When I began looking at Biomimicry’s Life’s Principles and thinking about God as the creator of these principles I began to wonder (a frequent step for Biomimics) if the principles might also be found in the Word of God, the Bible. I began looking at the Bible using the Life’s Principle Evolve to Survive metaphorically. I was somewhat surprised at what I discovered. That discovery has led to the writing of a Bible study.

If a spiritual transformation is going to occur within the Christian community then I believe one place that needs attention is through the (re)education regarding the Bible. I have witnessed Biblical illiteracy throughout my years of speaking to small groups. Examples range from not knowing/ remembering animals were also created on the same day as humans, the Noahic covenant included animals, and dominion was given after we were made in the image of God and prior to sin entering the world (and those examples are just from the first 10 chapters of Genesis). There is a need for some Biblical education that may get people excited to read the Bible again instead of regurgitating long learned beliefs. This is my attempt through a Biomimetic metaphorical framework. The goal is to show the Bible can be read with curiosity, and that curiosity leads to new discoveries and learnings that will hopefully inspire change within people and how people live this change in the world. I believe all the world’s injustices, racial, economic, climate, etc. are spiritual issues. This is my attempt to inspire curiosity for a journey to spiritual transformation.

It is always interesting when I look back to see how I got to where I am today. Curiosity is usually a theme. When thinking about Biomimicry and how I believe it is the imitation of God’s genius I began to get curious. If God is the creator then God set Earth’s conditions and principles to coax life on this planet. I believe God gave us two “books” to read: the Bible and nature to help us know, learn, and experience God. If nature has operating conditions that ALL life is subject to and principles that ALL life exhibits in order to “create conditions conducive to life” then might the Bible, the inspired word of God, exhibit these as well? 

We will be using Biomimicry’s Life’s Principle: Evolve to Survive metaphorically, looking at the Bible as a whole to see if there are patterns in the first week. The second week will look at the sub-principles in order to inform our reading of specific scriptures within the Bible.