Life’s Principle: Evolve to Survive

When we look at the Bible as a whole, can we see how it has evolved to survive? How did the Bible story evolve? One of the ways I see this in the Bible is the revelation of God. God revealed Godself in bushes, thunder, clouds, and angels in the Old Testament and then through Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Evolution doesn’t just happen; it’s responding to external stimuli. God’s revelation evolves as the Hebrew people evolve to be able to comprehend God and God’s works in the midst of their lives. It evolved into the revelation through Jesus and the Holy Spirit so that all creation may know God. This evolving revelation of God is still happening today. 


Find a quiet place to sit comfortably, eyes closed and hands resting palms up on your thighs.  Contemplate how God is evolving in your life through revelations. Does God seem to reveal God’s self in specific places? What is God trying to reveal to you?

From Psalm 46:10 (New Life Version):

Be quiet and know that I am God.

Be quiet and know that I am.

Be quiet and know that I.

Be quiet and know.

Be quiet.
